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Alex Cramer - Cooking with spice mixes, pastes and sauces

Alex Cramer - Cooking with spice mixes, pastes and sauces
Название: Alex Cramer - Cooking with spice mixes, pastes and sauces
Автор: Alex Cramer
Издательство: SelfPub
Язык книги: Русский
Год: 2018
Дата добавления: 23 апрель 2019
Количество просмотров: 597
Читать онлайн Купить книгу за 249.00 руб.
Описание Alex Cramer - Cooking with spice mixes, pastes and sauces
This cookbook is about the art of mixing herbs and spices.– You will get acquainted with the main theory of mixing the spices and herbs.– You will discover the 35 most popular spices and herbs.– You will find out a description of the 35 most popular varieties of chili peppers.– You will learn many more useful information.And finally you will plunge into the world of spicy combinations and get acquainted with the recipes of more than 300 dry spice mixes, pastes and sauces, as well as their variations.Step by step you will learn the art of fragrant spice balance and the taste's magic of spicy combinations!
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