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Nataliya Vasilyeva - The secrets of friendship. Fairy tales from magic forests

Nataliya Vasilyeva - The secrets of friendship. Fairy tales from magic forests
Название: Nataliya Vasilyeva - The secrets of friendship. Fairy tales from magic forests
Автор: Nataliya Vasilyeva
Год: 0
Дата добавления: 25 апрель 2019
Количество просмотров: 520
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Описание Nataliya Vasilyeva - The secrets of friendship. Fairy tales from magic forests
Many people need true friends and so do creatures from magic forests. Seven fairy tales will lift a lid on important secrets of friendship, help children find true friends and maintain friendships. “The Secrets Of Friendship” is children’s literature with elements of fantasy and adventure.
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