Elena Esaulova - Angels turned around (Heavenly escort)

Elena Esaulova - Angels turned around (Heavenly escort)
Название: Elena Esaulova - Angels turned around (Heavenly escort)
Автор: Elena Esaulova
Издательство: SelfPub
Язык книги: Русский
Год: 2018
Дата добавления: 20 апрель 2019
Количество просмотров: 515
Читать онлайн Купить книгу за 109.00 руб.
Описание Elena Esaulova - Angels turned around (Heavenly escort)
Mr. Brainy is looking for a heart for his daughter. Angels talk to his daughter. Elizabeth falls in love with Mr. Brainy. Angels say they are not meant to be together. Elizabeth’s father Mr. Cantone works as a judge and restores the Constitutional Court. Angels praise her father and give him another 20 years of life. Elizabeth gives her heart to the daughter of Mr. Brainy, who is sentenced to death. Elizabeth’s father innocents Mr. Brainy in court. Angels come to the father and say that Elizabeth settled in the body of Mr. Brainy’s daughter. She will always be next to him. The angels leave, but one of them turns around…
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