Борис Романов - Anna-Anastaia: the old and new versions and discussion
Название: Борис Романов - Anna-Anastaia: the old and new versions and discussion
Автор: Борис Романов
Издательство: SelfPub
Язык книги: Русский
Год: 2017
Дата добавления: 25 апрель 2019
Количество просмотров: 455
Описание Борис Романов - Anna-Anastaia: the old and new versions and discussion
It is known the dozens of books and hundreds of articles about Anna Anderson, best known for the role of pretender rescued daughter of Nicholas II, Anastasia. It would seem that after the comparative DNA tests (which are allegedly not confirmed kinship Anderson and the royal family), the matter is closed. However, with the exception of those DNA tests, a huge set of evidence and the facts speak in favor of self-identification Anderson as Anastasia.
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