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Коллектив авторов - Money, money circulation and credit

Коллектив авторов - Money, money circulation and credit
Название: Коллектив авторов - Money, money circulation and credit
Год: 0
Дата добавления: 25 апрель 2019
Количество просмотров: 725
Читать онлайн Купить книгу за 386.00 руб.
Описание Коллектив авторов - Money, money circulation and credit
This еducational manual reviews the questions of money, credit and bank system theory and practice in our country. In particular the essence of money, money turnover, credit, money, credit and bank system of the state, the establishment and development of the bank system of our Republic, its functions and operations, the capital market, stock-market and international currency and credit relations development.
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